HSM Performance Pack 2018 released

With HSM Performance Pack 2018 we have rebuilt everything from the ground up, including an all new, highly optimized kernel that delivers even more speed and performance. HSM Performance Pack already integrates seamlessly with Mastercam X9 and 2017 – and now also Mastercam 2018.

HSM Performance Pack 2018 comes with many new features and improvements including:

Spiral Contour – A new cutting method

The 3D Contour strategy contains a new cutting method called Spiral. Using the Spiral, the toolpath moves downwards on the part in a steady spiral, without any transitions. Through this transitionless contour, the strategy leaves no transition marks on the part, creating a much nicer finish than a conventional contour operation. In addition, the machine dynamics are maintained at all times, since the depth changes are much more gradual than in s-shaped transitions.

Video: Example of Spiral Contour

Shallow Area Machining

Like in Mastercam, the Contour operation in HSM Performance Pack 2018 can add additional cutting steps to shallow areas. However, for large parts where there are shallow and steep walls in the same cutting depth, this can lead to many excessive cuts in steep areas of the part. As a result, we have added a smart trimming algorithm to the shallow area machining option, such that the toolpath is only laid out in shallow areas, whereas cuts in steep areas at the same depth are trimmed away. The following videos illustrate this feature:

Video: Example of Shallow Area Machining with trimming

Video: Example of Shallow Area Machining without trimming

Steep Areas Machining with Hybrid Pencil

Hybrid Pencil is an intelligent cornering strategy. It combines a traditional Pencil strategy with an efficient and safe way to machine steep internal corners. The “Steep Areas Machining” option for Pencil now allows for different cutting strategies in steep, tight corners, such as Constant Cut and Pocket style cutting.

Video: Example of Steep Areas Machining

Machine Horizontal from Outside

The Horizontal strategy now supports machining of open horizontal areas from the outside. Currently, the Horizontal strategy in Mastercam requires to machine flat areas from the inside, even when the geometry is of the type of an open pocket or core. This means that helix marks are left on the surface when the tool could simply move into the stock from the outside.

Video: Example of Horizontal from Outside

Spiral Machining in Contour and Scallop

To avoid transitions on the part we now introduce Spiral Machining in both the Contour and Scallop finishing strategies.

Video: Example of Spiral Scallop

Download HSM Performance Pack 2018

Existing Maintenance customers with a valid license can download HSM Performance Pack 2018 directly from our Download section.